Church Of God Mission Disclaims Circulating Video On Founding Archbishop

Church Of God Mission Disclaims Circulating Video On Founding Archbishop

The attention of our Mission, Church of God Mission International, has been drawn to a video circulating on social media of a message on the life of Archbishop Benson Idahosa, preached on Christian Inspiration Network purportedly by one Apostle Joshua Telena.


We would like to publicly declare that at no time in his life time did Archbishop Benson Idahosa related such story, not to his close allies nor his family members, neither was such story recorded either in his books or any of his messages.


In as much as we appreciate and acknowledge the fact that Archbishop Benson Idahosa has many spiritual children around the globe, we would also not allow falsehood be spread about his person and ministry.


In this regard, we want to appeal to the general public to discountenance and disregard this video and such as are related with it.


The source of the video could neither be authenticated nor verified and as such cannot be vouched for by our Mission.


Thank you.


Remain Above Only.


Rev. Odemwingie Okundaye

Director of Administration

Church of God Mission Int’l

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Albinus Chiedu

Albinus Chiedu is a journalist, aviation media consultant, events management professional, and author. He has practiced journalism since 2000.

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