Why We Held Quarter1 ART Business Breakfast Meeting, By President

The President of Aviation Safety Round Table Initiative (ASRTI), Air Commodore Demola Onitiju (Rtd) says the aim of the Quarter1 ART Business Breakfast Meeting held today at Golfview Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos “is to re-awaken the stakeholders in the Nigerian aviation industry of the need to prioritize human capital development to ensure career progression stability, succession and foster harmonious workforce relations.”
Delivering his welcome speech at the meeting with the theme, “Manpower Strategy Training, Succession And Human Capital Development In The Nigerian Aviation Sector,” Onitiju said: “As we all know, a harmonious blend of technical and soft skills ensures safe and efficient aviation operations. The ART believes that human resources development in the Nigerian aviation sector should integrate modern technology, cyber security, Artificial Intelligence, innovation and data analysis together with state of the art aeronautical and navigational aids. It is our view that the optimization of processes, efficient use of resources would promote seamless coordination between the operators and the ground handlers, caterers and cleaners. But all these come at a price – training!
We are also convinced that a frontal approach to human capital development could be enhanced through training. Secured career progression could help tackle this. There is also the need to accord insurance a pride of place in airport and facility management. Aviation insurance of the main object of service- the aircraft is presumed. Service Level Agreement is designed to promote efficiency. Qualitative and sustainable standard will be better observed in accordance with the stipulated requirements of the insurers. A robust human capital development strategy, in our view, will contribute immensely to improvement in the management of the turnaround time as well as the run around time.
Because we do not have the monopoly of knowledge, we decided to assemble here today, experienced trainers and aviation experts to share their thoughts with us.”
ASRTI popularly referred to as the Aviation Round Table or ART for short, is a non- government, not for profit group of aviation veterans concerned about the safety, security and customer satisfaction through the observance of global best practices. Membership is open to individuals and organizations who share these ideals and values.