Safety Inspectors’ Shortage: NCAA Closes Gap With Training

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) says Nigeria’s inadequacy of required number of safety inspectors has been reduced from 179 of 2020 to 140.
Speaking today in Lagos during a presentation to the National Assembly Joint Senate & House of Representatives Committees on Aviation, NCAA Director General, Capt Musa Nuhu said: “As at November 2020 Nigeria was deficient by 179 inspectors but today 140 have successfully completed this course remaining 39 saving $4,500 + $7,239= $11,739 + Air ticket per inspector.”
NCAA said the regulatory body has “an ICAO-certified instructor and an ICAO certified Auditor in the
Personnel Licensing audit area” of training. “There is an assistant instructor and three On-the-Job instructors for efficient and seamless succession.”
On Resolution of Safety Concerns (RSC) Course, “The Authority has developed the in-house capacity to facilitate this training. Instructors are both from the Legal Department and the Inspectorate offices. There are three On-the-Job Training (OJT) instructors that will ensure efficient and seamless succession. Nigeria was deficient by 283 inspectors but today 220 have successfully completed this course remaining 63.”