NSIB, NAMA Target Maintaining Zero Accident, Seal Air Safety Deal

NSIB, NAMA Target Maintaining Zero Accident, Seal Air Safety Deal

“Collaboration remains the centre point of our drive towards enthroning safety in the aviation industry. We remain committed to promoting safety in the aviation industry to the point of attaining and maintaining zero accident.”
These were the words of the Director General, Nigeria Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB), Engr. Akin Olateru while signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement and renewed partnership to promote air safety with the Managing Director of Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), Engr. Odunowo Tayib in Abuja.
Olateru added: “We, however, cannot do it alone. That is why we have chosen the path of collaboration with agencies and institutions with similar objectives.”
NSIB says the main purpose of the agreement was to consolidate the existing relationship between NSIB and NAMA on the exchange of information, and data sharing during occurrences, among others, that can help in the quality and timeliness of investigation of air mishaps in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO Annex 13 and 19 of the 1994 Chicago convention on International Civil Aviation .
Also included in the MoU was the flexibility in all transactions with the mutual agreement of both agencies, upholding the values of cooperation, honesty, mutual respect, openness and professionalism .
NSIB and NAMA while signing the deal noted that though the MoU is not legally binding, but the two agencies however agreed to perform their respective functions in a manner consistent with the values and principles of the agreement.
The signing of the agreement, which took place at the NSIB Abuja headquarters had Olateru sign on behalf of NSIB while Odunowo put pen on paper for his Agency.
The NSIB recently signed a MoU with Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) on cooperation during emergencies even as the agency has signed similar agreements with various agencies and institutions within and outside the country.

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Albinus Chiedu

Albinus Chiedu is a journalist, aviation media consultant, events management professional, and author. He has practiced journalism since 2000.

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