NAAPE Wants Dana To Pay Outstanding Salaries, Allowances, Calls For Minister’s Intervention

The National Economic Council (NEC) Of National Association of Aircraft Pilots & Engineers (NAAPE) has called on the “Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development to intervene and ensure that Management of DANA Air Limited urgently settles all outstanding salaries, allowances and other pending financial obligations being owed its members since April, 2024.”
In a communique issued at the end of the 2024 NEC Meeting/Symposium of NAAPE held at Kanem Suites, Abuja, NAAPE after an exhaustive and critical appraisal of activities of the union the aviation sector and the Nigerian economic situation as a whole, condoled with the families, colleagues and associates of all victims of the ill – fated Helicopter crash of 24th October 2024, praying that God Almighty comforts all, agreed and requested that NAAPE be given participatory right as observer in the ongoing official investigation into the cause of this unfortunate occurrence, commended the search and rescue efforts by the relevant organizations thus far and called on the government for investment in critical infrastructure for search and rescue in the country in order to optimize their performance with the view to mitigate loss of lives and properties in the event of an accident or emergency.
NEC also called for thorough investigation into the circumstances of this accident with the view to preventing the reoccurrence in the future, called on the Federal Government to support the lead agency (NSIB) with the necessary tools and funding in order to reach a timely conclusion, giving the intricate nature and the international interest that this occurrence has generated.
The communiqué signed by Engr. Abednego Galadima, NAAPE National President further states: “In order to mitigate the avoidable loss of lives and enhance safety in the event of aircraft ditching, NEC demands that NCAA enforce the strict use of life jackets fitted with oxygen and emergency breathing system (EBS). Also, to ensure that other emergency equipment e.g floatation system are at all times serviceable.
As a matter of utmost necessity and importance, NEC request that the NCAA mandates all airline operators to incorporate the “Rights Frame of Mind” policy in their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
In line with the economic reality of the country and considering the critical role aviation plays in the nation’s economy, NEC appeals to all employers of labour (Government and airlines) to provide better conditions of service to their employees.”
It further reads: “NEC calls for multi — stakeholders’ participation, including the union’s national organs in the ongoing Conditions of Service review meeting of the NSIB in line with International best practices and collective bargaining principles.
Given the consequential impact of Climate change on the society especially aviation, NEC hereby urges the Federal Government through the Ministry of Aviation to urgently set up a Climate Change Committee for the aviation industry where relevant stakeholders and Union representatives shall come up with industrial mitigation strategies.
NEC acknowledges the enormous impact posed by Climate Change on aviation jobs and hereby demands that government set the machinery in motion to amend the Climate Change Act to include representatives of workers (Unions) and Employers organization in the Governing Structures of the National Council on Climate Change;
NEC in sessions demands that social dialogue on Climate Change and Environmental sustainability finds very clear and unambiguous mandates in our Collective Bargaining Agreements;
NEC considered and recognized the importance of capacity building in improving competencies of professionals and thereby call on all stakeholders in the aviation industry to pay serious attention to training and retraining of their personnel in the interest of safety.
NEC in session recommends strengthening of social dialogue and collective bargaining processes for the achievement of Climate related Decent Work objectives including the expansion of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) to include Environmental sustainability (OESH);
NEC acknowledges the immense contributions of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency essentially in aviation and seeks a robust relationship in future engagements whereby as forecasts are being exchanged, Pilots may endeavor to share experiences on weather situations as a feedback to the agency;
Trade unionism should be seen as more than a demand for better wages and or improved working conditions but it involves a shared responsibility to maintain stability and growth within the sector while advocating for workers welfare. It is also about partnership and collaboration towards the creation of mutual prosperity for workers, employers and the nation at large; it serves to stabilize through constructive engagement with stakeholders, advancing professional development and enhancing safety standards.
NEC in session empathizes with the management and staff of Eastwind Aviation on the unfortunate accident involving one of their Helicopters and loss of lives of passengers and our unions Vice President and his Co-pilot, NEC prayed for the repose of the souls of the departed and comfort for their families.”